Tuesday, September 20, 2016

" The Six Attitude Of High Achieves"

" The Six Attitude Of High Achievers" 

John R. Noe 

1. Make no small plans 
- To make no small plans only makes you achieve them more fast and not take the time to work for it. Make big plans that will give you hard work but you know that you will complete it. Show the world and let them know that you can be better and achieve big goals in life. Sometimes your plans may not turn the way you wanted to be. Plans can be big, small, and good but it all depends on you if you want to achieve it. Plans always require hard work because they are big plans and if they are small they require not that much work. Make your goals high and don't stop until you get there.Push yourself to get there and don't give up. 
2. Do what they fear 
- Be brave enough to try new things that they fear of. This means that what other people fear of doing, like when you fear something of course your not going to want to do it cause that's your fear. But you shouldn't you should try new things and you will learn a lot from it and you will know that to not be brave anymore. You can't fear something for the rest of your life , sometimes its better to get over your fear than staying scared forever.
3. Are willing to prepare
- Don't make yourself look back at your past because the only thing that will help you do is remember and regret things you did. Prepare yourself for the future. Plan out your things you will do and accomplish your goals and you will be a great person. You have to prepare and be a better person. There is no rules for what you will plan be yourself and plan things without being scared. You don't just want to win like that, Most people have the will to win, few have the will to prepare to win. In order to win something you have to prepare yourself. If your luck from that preparations you will get good opportunities.

4.  Are willing to risk failure
-  If you aren't' willing to risk failure then you won't accomplish your dreams and you will have less time to get what you really want. Failures aren't bad of a thing they are just mistakes people can do. You have to be more successful. The picture on the left shows that to never go to the failure side because it is a bad decision. Always choose the right and go to the green side. You have to accomplish the dreams you have and have respect towards others. A Lot of people may make mistakes but its okay because you can always improve on doing better. Yes failure may defeat you but inspires you to do a better job.

5. Are Teachable
- They learn from people and others. Be role model and a leader, to become teachable for others. If you did anything and keep doing better and better you will be able to teach other people your ways and make them do better too. A great teach will be you, you will be able to look and see the importance of it. Help yourself don't help none if you havent help yourself. This attitude is really important and it helps you to tell others that you are teachable and that you can do better in life. The picture on the left just says if you are teachable and if you are not just start where you are and be teachable. Use what you have and be courageous , do what you can and you will be teachable.
6. Have Heart
  -A High achiever has a good heart helps others and cares for them. Having a good heart means you help, trust, give and love people who need it.  A good heart helps you to be a better person and to help those people who need it. The good heart wonders around searching for answers. Our hearts can do bad things but it helep us know what we can do better and improve. If you have a good heart for example, like be respectful, responsible,kind,humble etc. You will inspire others to do good and have a good heart as well. Be a ctr person and help other have a good heart being respectful too others. Also having a good heart determines if your a good person or a bad one. You have to help yourself too.

Reflection: You should always be a ctr person because if you are people are going to look out for you. The six attitude of high achievers are very important because you have to have a good heart and help others and care for them. Also never be afraid do things the more you are scared the more you won't never do it. I love to help others because is very kind your making them be a better person because you are showing them of a good heart you have. Be respectful to others and if they are not respectful to you just show them the good heart you have. 

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