Thursday, December 15, 2016

class evaluation

Class Evaluation

1. What i like about this class is that we get to use the computers and we learn a lot of things that we may not know. What i also like is that we get free time. And we always learn something new from computers.
2, What i dislike about this class is that we always do the same thing like the schedule is always the same.
3. A recommendation for improving this class is doing different kind of things  instead of working on the same thing all the time.
4. The highlight for me in this class is working on the weebly i really enjoy using weebly because i get to fix things and write about stuff i like or what i want to do and because i'm making my own website. 
5. i believe that i did do my best in this class because i am always on time and do my work i always do what the teacher tells us to do.
6. Yes i do reading my life planning goals for at least 5 minutes because i want my goals to come true and make my family proud. Writing and reading my life planning goal has helped me a lot it motivates and helped me get my stuff together.
7. Yes i am committed to a CTR person because i'm always responsible and caring because i like to make others feel better. And i always like to get stuff done on time.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Medical School Research

Medical School Research 

1. UC Irvine Health Service / Irvine CA 92697

2. Subject    Requirement

Biology 1.5 years, which includes one upper division biology course.

Examples of courses considered upper division biology are: cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, molecular biology, physiology and virology.

Please note we do not consider psychobiology courses to meet the upper division biology requirement.

Applicants are encouraged to gain lab experience either through laboratory courses or research.

Chemistry 2 years, to include general/inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.

Physics 1 Year

3.Undergraduate Student 
-Resident total: $ 15,026.47 
-Nonresident total; $ 41,708.47
Graduate Student 
-Resident total: $ 16,547.50
-Nonresident total: $ 31,649.50

4. They offer a board range of graduate and undergraduate educational opportunities. The school offers an MD Degree, a dual MD/PhD medical scientist training program PhDs and master degrees in anatomy and neurobiological,biomedical science, physiology

Monday, December 5, 2016

the 10 keys to personal power

The 10 keys to personal power 
Brian Tracy 

Key 1: Clarity 
- "have vision.Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know what you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life,you are doomed forever to work for others who do." This means that if you don't have clear goals you will not know what you are doing or what you are going to have in the future. You need to have the ability to determine exactly what it is that you want to do, have or be in your life is the prerequisite for all personal and professional achievement. Clarity isn't something that arrives from outside of you. Clarity is what you create for yourself. Many people assume that clarity is something that will arrive in good time if they wait patiently.

Key 2: Competence 
- "If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get." This means that the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. The harder you work  the better you get  and achieve your goals. You have to know recognize and repair communication. The competency is more than just knowledge and skills. It involves the ability to meet complex depends, by drawing on and mobilizing psycho social resources. Individuals need a wide range of competencies in order to face the complex challenge.

Key 3; Concentration
-"Make the best use of your time.Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" Before you start anything." This means that the ability to stay focused on your work without letting people, feelings, thoughts or activities get in the way. People during after treatment may notice changes in their ability to concentrate. There are 3 helpful ways to improve and develop your concentration abilities 1) Establishing concentration 2) Increasing Concentration 3) Developing the concentration habits. You don't need to worry about others just focus on yourself and on your goals. You can improve your focus by tackling the big jobs first and leaving the small stuff till later,

Key 4: Common Sense 

  • Train your mind
  • think things through
  • listen to your intuition
  • learn from setbacks 
-Common sense means to have good judgement. Common sense is like a deodorant the people who need it never use it. Common sense seems to be something that a person accumulates as the result ox experience over a long period of time. As you acquire more knowledge and experiences in particular field, you memorize more patterns at an unconscious level. You will be able to detect a familiar pattern in a new situation and take immediate action. You will be able to connect the dots faster.

Key 5: Creativity 

-" Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions." This means that creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Creativity requires passion and commitment. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. You can learn to be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning, using imagination, and synthesing information. The trick to creativity, if there is a single useful thing to say about it, is to identify your own peculiar talent and then to settle down to work with it for a good long time.

Key 6: Consideration 
-" The quality of you relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
-" Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening,speaking,etc"
- " If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person history"
- A consideration is a careful thought, typically over a period of time. It may consist of a promise to perform a desired act or a promise to refrain from doing an act that one is legally entitled to do. Consideration is often monetary, but it can be a promise to perform a specific act. In order for a contract or agreement to be legally binding, every party to the contract must receive some type of consideration. If you give something consideration, you think about it carefully, and not too quickly. When your making a tough decision, you need to give consideration to all possible outcomes before making up your mind.

Key 7: Consistency 
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work ."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family , friends , your boss , your work .Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you"ll do something you do it."

- Consistency is the accounting methods once adopted must be applied consistently in future.Is when something stays the same, is done in the same way or looks the same. Consistency is important because of the need for comparability, that is , it enables investors and other users of financial statements. Also have relationship with your family and your friends and your work.

Key 8: Commitment 
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success"
" Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed.
- Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause , activity, etc. Commitment usually evokes a strong sense of intention and focus. It typically is accompanied by a statement of purpose or a plan of action. The offerings of relationship commitments are typically statements about behavior or purpose outcomes. Like for example, " I am committed to you" suggest that you may not be seeking another relationship or that you're going to be monogamous.

Key 9: Courage 
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life"
- Courage is something that everybody wants an attribute of good character that makes us worthy of respect. Courage comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. While racing into a burning building to save lives and helping out a person who is being robbed are certainly courageous and admirable acts, even smaller occurrences can count as acts of courage. For example, confronting a bully or asking out a secret crush out to a date both require certain levels.

Key 10: Confidence 
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again"
-Confidence can be described as a belief in one's ability to succeed. Striking a healthy balance can be challenging. Too much of it and you can come off as cocky and stumble into unforeseen obstacles, but having too little can prevent you from taking risks and seizing opportunities in school, work, in your social life and beyond.Confidence is not something that can be learned liked a set of rules, confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge, and talking to other people are all useful ways to improve or boost your confidence levels.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Character and Personality 

What i learned in this video is about that Dr. Covey made the 7 habits . He was talking about having a personality ethic. He also talked about how to find yourself  and how to find your own character and personality. What a personality ethic is the idea that a person advances in bases of their characters. Character ethic depends on deep changes within each of us. Ganhdi did not help anyone because how can he help if himself was doing the same.