Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pyramid of Success

The 25 Building Blocks of the 
Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."-Industriousness is working energetically and devotedly, hardworking, diligent. Some individuals generally work harder than others. If an individual is rewarded for putting a large amount of cognitive or physical effort into an activity, the sensation of high effort takes on secondary reward properties that lessen efforts general aversiveness.  Only the industrious that is , those who are hard working succeed in this world. Being industrious, that is , being willing to work hard and to be working hard, is a virtue. All successful persons have succeeded only because their industry.

Block 2: Enthusiasm 
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of pyramid. It is why i chose industriousness and enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of success. It is where everything begins." Industriousness is when you work very hard. But work hard is not enough. It must ignited, by something that will raise it to the extraordinary level required for success.  That 'something' is your enthusiasm which infuses hard work with inspired power that will great competitors have. Your energy and enthusiasm stimulates those you work with. Enthusiasm brushes off on those with whom you come into contact , those you work with and for. You must have  Enthusiasm especially if you're a leader or wish to become a leader. 

Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a join effort." There is many different kinds of friendship based on a wide range of appreciations. We may have an acquaintance with whom we are friendly because of a shared interest in politics or sport. The two qualities of friendship that are so important are respect and camaraderie. When friendship exists you will find the making of a formidable organization. To make a friend you must be a friend. Friends are your family, teammates , classmates, and workmates. They help you succeed and achieve your goals. Friendship is mutual it is not a one way street. Good friends do good things for each other. 

Block 4: loyalty 
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you.Keep your self-respect." 
-Loyalty is part of our nature and it is also part of nature of leaders who achieve higher goals. To be loyal is to show commitment or an obligation to a certain entity, organization, person, religion. For example , you can show loyalty to your parents by obeying them . You can show loyalty to a friend by keeping secrets. You can show loyalty to a business by purchasing products on a regular basis. Loyalty doesn't mean just showing up to work or hanging out with friends, its deeper than that. It means being there for whatever and whenever if your needed and when your not also.

Block 5: Cooperation 
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "
- With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. All of this requires cooperation. It allows individuals to move forward together, to move in the same direction instead of going off in different directions.Working hard together in all ways to accomplish the common goals. And to get cooperation, you must give cooperation with all levels of your teammates. An example of cooperation is : At home include treating siblings, child , or parent equally and showing a willingness to do more than what is expected to maintain a household.

Block 6: Ambition 
"For noble gases"- An earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth, and the willingness to strive for its attainment. Ambition an accomplish or achieve goals through a process that demands hard work, passion and determination. To be ambitious is to achieve first and foremost not for the sake of achievement itself but for the sake of distinguishing ourselves from other people. Ambition is often confused with aspiration. Unlike mere aspiration, which has a particular goal for object, ambition is a trait or disposition, and , such as , is persistent and pervasive.

Block 7: Self-Control 
"Practice self discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential" - Self control is the ability to control oneself, in terms of having mastery over one's desires and appetites. Those are self-controlled can temper what they want, to ensure that they do not over-or-under indulge.Self-Controlled people can be thought of as having acquired three habits: 1.Self preservation, 2. Self-Assertion, 3. Self-Fulfilment. Self- control is the thinking skill that helps children learn to control their feelings and behaviors in order to make good decisions.

Block 8: Alertness 
" Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve." - You have to constantly pay attention to whats going on around you. Be on the lookout for new paradigms which help you understand changes and take advantage of them. Relaxed alertness is when a learner is put into a state of being where they feel comfortable yet experience a high level of challenge. Experiencing relaxed alertness often starts out with students experiencing small success, but after multiple successes , it becomes a way of thinking and learning that seems natural for the student. Being alert in class is essential to learning and performance. Students who can sustain appropriate levels of alertness are characterized as being vigilant or fully engaged in school activities.

Block 9: Initiative 

"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it." You may hear some people say take initiative this means to take charge. You may meet people in life who do not put in as much work as you do and you are forced to work with them but you must take charge and do whatever it is to get them to do work. If they do not start they're work then you take initiative to tell someone about it so  you won't receive the consequences that you do or did not deserve. Initiative not only counts for when you are working with others but also knowing how to take initiative for your own life and being able to know how you will succeed and how to get wherever you want to get to reach that place of success for yourself. Try to think about times when you could have taken initiative. Initiative also means to have ideas and to put them to good use.\

Block 10: Intentness
-"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations.  Be determined and persistent." I will say it is the ability to resist temptation and stay the course, to concentrate on your objective with determination and resolve. Impatience is wanting to much too soon. Intentness doesn't involve wanting something. It involves doing something often for a very long time. Be persistent. Be determined. Be tenacious. Be unrelenting. The road to achievement is rocky, hard, and long. Things easily achieved are rarely long-lasting or significant.This success building block is about goals. Without goals, progress is unlikely if not impossible. We tend to drift instead of moving forward. With our goals fixed firmly in our minds, we have a definiteness of purpose that makes decision-making simpler.

Block 11: Sincerity 
- " Keeps Friends". A sincere person is the one that expresses thereself without deceitfulness, in a truthful and genuine way, that does not pretend. Sincere people tend to remain positive and actively seek to know more about other people, using body language, maintaining eye contact, sincere people exude confidence and genuine interest in the ideas. Sincerity means being honest and straightforward without any pretense, misrepresentation, or deceit.Being a more sincere person can infer to how you interact with others. Learning to recognize your thoughts and feelings can help you become more genuine person.

Block 12: Adaptability 
-"To any situation". Ability of an entity or organism to alter itself or its response to the changed circumstance or environment. Adaptability shows the ability to learn from experience, and improves the fitness of the learner. If you describe a person or an animal as adaptable, you mean they are able to change their ideas or behavior in order to deal with new situations. Adaptability is a sought-after job skill as employers increasing rely on a flexible job descriptions and rotate employees and different roles. Your ability to adapt to changing situations and expectations makes you more valuable to a current or prospective employer. It always makes you more equipped for a variety of career opportunities.
Block: 13: Condition 
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." The Conditioning exercises are performed with equipment such as Nautilus , available in most health clubs. Strength and conditioning workouts are some of the most important workouts for athletes because they prepare them for the upcoming season. Conditioning exercises are body movements that increase athletic skills and physical fitness while decreasing the likelihood of sports injury. Types of conditioning exercise may vary greatly depending on fitness goals and are adaptable to any level of fitness , from beginners to experienced athletes. The basis for sports conditioning is that the body must be challenged in such way that it adapts to the stress for exercise.

Block 14: Skill
-"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little details". Personal skills are similar to personality traits. These skills describe what you like as a person. and how you would naturally do things . Work skills relate specifically to certain types of jobs or job field. These skills are easily recognizable, however, because they are so specific they are difficult to transfer job to job. Personal skills are critical to almost any job. Someone with strong personal skills generally works well with employers, employees , and clients. They can communicate ideas clearly, and listen well to others. Someone with strong skills also typically has a positive attitude in the workplace. They also bring success to their companies.

Block 15: Team Spirit 
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all." Build stronger relationships with co-workers and gain the attention oh upper management by displaying good team spirit. Team spirit can make or break a team. Teammates who have team spirit are better able to work and achieve team goals. They are so satisfied with their activities. You have to stay motivated to show the team spirit because it shows that you want the team to do well. This includes being motivated to give your best in practice and in competition. Respect for your fellow team members is a must. You can show respect to your teammates by treating everyone fairly and equally. Any group of people working toward a common goal can create a spirited approach.

Block 16: Honesty 
"In thought and action". Honesty refers to a facet or moral characters and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as truthful, straightforwardness along with absence of lying, cheating , and theft. Honesty is valued in many ethnic and religious cultures honesty is best policy because you want to be honest and be straight up with people and not lie to them. An example of honest is a student admitting they cheated on a test. Honesty is speaking the truth. saying things that aren't true, or that you think might not be true, or that your making up to hide the truth are all types of lies.

Block 17: Resourcefulness 
"Proper judgement". Being resourceful means knowing how to get the information and results you want. Being organized and having trusted systems are big pieces of the productivity puzzle. Resourcefulness is a mindset, and is especially relevant when the goals you have set are difficult to achieve or you cannot envision a clear path to get where you desire to go. With a resourcefulness mindset you are driven to find a way. Resourcefulness turns you into a scrappy, inventive , and enterprising entrepreneur.You have to be open minded, Self-assured , imaginative , proactive , persistent , and hopeful. An example for resourcefulness is someone who is able to find themselves , overcoming any possible problems that might arise.

Block 18: Poise 
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."Graceful and elegant bearing in a person. Have a calm confidence in a person way of behavior. The word poise has a number of meanings , though most common usage of the word in a general conversation is often used in reference to a person and is typically intended to mean that the persons demonstrates self-assuredness or composure. This is often used in a complimentary manner to show regard toward a person who has demonstrate behavior. You have to a confidence peron and show who you really are.

Block 19: Confidence 
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective." Self-confidence refers to assuredness in your own worth , abilities and power regardless of the situation you are in. Someone who is self-confident has a strong sense of belief and certainty in himself/herself. People with low confidence tend to repel people around them. Their limiting mindsets and behaviors make them feel 'heavy' and a 'drag' to be around. Lack of self-confidence is a crippling trait because it often limits you in your opportunities and jeopardizes your chances of success, which leads to a self -fulfilling prophecy .  How you can be confidence groom yourself , dress nicely , think positive , kill negative thoughts and act positive.

Block 20: Reliability 
" Creates respect ". Reliability has to do with the quality of measurement. Its everyday sense, reliability is the " consistency " or repeatability of your measures. The word reliable usually means " dependable" or "trustworthy". In the term " reliable " also means dependable in general sense. Whenever you use humans as part of your measurement procedure, you have to worry about whether the results you get are reliable or consistent. People are notorious for their inconsistency. For example if a person weighs themselves during the course of the day they would except to see a similar reading.

Block 21: Fight 
" Determined effort". You have to fight for what you want and reach your goals. Goal setting can easily become camouflaged vanity. Self focused, self-centered, and self-serving. Many goals do require personal improvement and an intentional focus on one's behavior. However goal setting is never about the goal, it's about who will benefit from the results of the goal being accomplished.

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."Competitive greatness is the ability to be at your best when your best is needed. Competitive greatness is having a real love for the hard battle knowing it offers the opportunity to be at your best when your best is required. When properly prepared you will rise to your highest  level and achieve competitive greatness.

Block 23: Integrity 
"Purity of intention". Integrity is one of the fundamental values that employers seek in the employees that they hire. A person who has integrity lives his or her values in relationships with coworkers , customers , and stakeholders. Honesty and trust are central to integrity.Acting with honor and truthfulness are also basic tenets in a person with integrity. Integrity is another fundamental value that you recognize when you see it in the behavior of a coworker. Be there on time , write down things you been requested to do , do them and let the person who made the request know is has been done.

Block 24: Faith 
Believe and Achieve. The definition of faith contains two aspects; intellectual and trust. Intellectual assent is believing something to be true. Trust is actually relying on the fact that something is true. Many people believer certain facts about jesus christ. Faith is trust, assurance and confidence in god. Living faith is shown by service and obedience to god.

Block 25: Patience 
" Good things take time". Being patient is the bearing of provocation , annoyance , misfortune , or pain without complaint , loss of temper . irritation or like an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay to have patience with a slower learner. Patient endurance means to stay where you are , continue doing good , and being unmovable. You have to be patient and wait because good things take time and it will be worth it. There's something to be said about those with infinite amounts of patience and understanding and we stand to learn plenty of lessons from them.

Final Reflection: How the building blocks benefit me is following all the blocks everyday and never giving up. The blocks that i am applying right now is confidence , faith and patience. The difference that the blocks are making me in my life is that im starting to more confident and more patient because i am not a patient person but now that i started doing these blocks i have to be patient and the good things will take time.  

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